
a comedy/drama about community, trust and making it in the modern world

directed by John Helde   produced by Beth Farnham

currently in production

Marcie has a dream:  to own Ed’s Tavern, where she’s bartender and den mother to a devoted small-town community.  But when a developer sets his sights on Ed’s wooded land, Marcie’s future is upended.  As she rallies her people, she finds that an endangered bird may hold the key to preventing the loss of the tavern and saving her community.

Set in a rural community grappling with growth, MARCIE'S is populated with characters from varied backgrounds and woven through with humor.  The story's themes reflect the world we live in:  how we find our true calling; how we depend on one another in challenging times; and how growth endangers tight-knit communities. 

MARCIE’S is a truly independent film. We’re a group of like-minded artists who enjoy developing work collaboratively.  These are the kinds of stories we love and want to see in the world, and we're excited to bring the movie to audiences!

We're currently in post-production - editing, composing music, and finalizing audio and picture for release.

For updates on our release, join our email list in the menu bar and stay tuned!


join us

Join with us to complete MARCIE'S!  We are currently fundraising to complete post-production and release the movie.  There is an investment opportunity, or you may make a contribution of any amount through our fiscal sponsor Northwest Film Forum, a 501(c)3 non-profit.

To contribute now through Northwest Film Forum, click the 'DONATE' button. Thank you!




For more information, send us a message here









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